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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Midterm Election Sticker Wars!: Road Rage Edition

As we gear up for midterm elections, campaign stickers are once again appearing on the nation's bumpers.

High dollar television ads and internet campaigns aside, nothing speaks more to a candidate's grassroots support than the number of bumper stickers and campaign lawn signs bearing his or her name.

However, amid the nation's current political climate, campaign stickers are also a heated subject. In Nashville, Tennessee, a man has claimed that he was the victim of road rage due to the Obama/Biden bumpersticker on his car. 

Curious what the assailant was most likely driving? Check out this site, which has unofficially tabulated a breakdown of political affiliations by makes and models of cars from the 2008 election.

Here at Custom Sticker Makers, we're hoping that those with strong opinions this election season will choose to express them via their bumperstickers, rather than their driving habits...

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