Sharing the buzz on custom stickers--branding and marketing, street art, graphic design, guerilla marketing and more.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Annals of Sticktivism: Journalism Warning Labels

There has been plenty of bellyaching recently about the state of modern journalism, from the increasingly accepted use of unnamed sources to veiled (or not so veiled) political biases in ostensibly neutral publications.

Frustrated no end by this sort of thing--especially among the free publications he often found while traveling the London Underground--UK resident Tom Scott decided to take matters into his own hands.

His "Journalism Warning Labels" function like a DIY guerrilla media criticism class for travelers. They're available in both the UK and the US and formatted for print-out on standard sized Avery labels.

How do they work? Simply locate the offending article, select the most appropriate label from your sheet, stick it on or near the article, and leave the publication in the subway, bus, or coffee shop where you found it. Those who peruse the paper later will be forewarned.

1 comment:

  1. Nice political sticker It is the awesome sticker ...!!!
    I really like and love it..!!!
