It's a novel fashion concept: bikinis created out of old rock and roll t-shirts, hand-stitched, lined and emblazoned with Swarovski crystals. But
Betty Bangs goes beyond merely high-fashion swimwear to create, ahem,
bangin' bikinis, for truly confident women (the suit shown below, featuring an old Who t-shirt, is probably the most modest of them). And there's no doubt about it--these suits are hot, creative, and just plain cool.

It all started four years ago when Beth Gearhardt of Miami (a.k.a., Betty Bangs) started making hand-made rock-n-roll bikinis--originally, just so this fashion-school alum could have a different bikini every week to wear out to her friends' boat parties. Then, when all the girls went crazy for them, she started doing custom suits and eventually, a collection for local stores. Now, in addition to her "tee-kinis", she's also done a "regular" bikini line and brought both collections to the MAGIC show in Vegas this past Feburary.
As far as custom stickers go, Beth reports that she personally sticks them EVERYWHERE. In the true spirit of a guerilla marketing "stick up," she tells us that she's surprised she hasn't been arrested yet! Has this DIY self-promotion contributed to the runaway success of her suits in Miami, Vegas and beyond? We're inclined to believe so.
"What sold me on
Custom Sticker Makers was their awesome customer service, their reasonable pricing and turn-around time but most of all, the quality of their stickers," said Beth. "My Betty sticker KICKS A**!!!"
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